Heavy Reads

Friday, April 13, 2012

Blood Pressure: Just a Heartache Away

This seems to be a worthy health topic considering the source - an unbalanced organism - modern humans. The collective pulse of people is at an elephantine and accelerated level. Elevated blood pressure seems to be intertwined into the fabric of most genres of disorder. Considering how widespread and endemic to ignorant bystanders this issue covers, there are very simple and practical solutions.

One of the most important considerations when combatting abnormal blood pressure rhythms is endothelial structure and integrity. Our arteries are ruptured on a very regular basis as one of countless byproducts of neo-Western diets. The use of sodium chloride (table salt) is the primary culprit. Sodium is a perfectly necessary mineral and crucial for endothelial (muscle) function. The irony is that we have been conditioned to believe that sodium has the opposite effect. Sodium is not the cause of elevated blood pressure. The most prevalent source of sodium however is compromised with other contributing factors. It is the composition of table salt (poison) that disrupts the normal structure of your cardiovascular system. The FDA's (Fallacious Dick's Abroad) leniency toward food products allows for the manufacturing of table salt to contain approximately equal parts salt, sand and glass. Therein lies the problem. The glass splinters the interior edges of the arteries, and creates a need for cholesterol to facilitate the repairs.

High cholesterol is not of concern for those with high blood pressure or other cardiovascular issues. I know of a person, personally, with levels of total cholesterol over 500 whom exudes pristine health. Paradoxically, when you run out of cholesterol, you will suffer internal bleeding and cardiovascular 'disease'. Limit your consumption of table salt and processed foods laden with it, and you will severely reduce your chances of heart 'disease'. Compensate with unbleached sea salt or Himalayan pink salt, and reap the benefits of naturally-occuring minerals and necessary sodium. Also, it would serve you well to supplement with a quality magnesium source, as it is also crucial for the constriction/relaxation of blood vessels, and happens to be almost certainly deficient in your diet due to American soil content.

Now that you see some of the simple, physical methods to circumvent heart 'disease', you can focus on relaxing. As a whole, we are heavily bombarded with subconscious suggestion and instant gratification reinforcement on a very consistent regimen. Spend a few days away from the tele(pathy)vision, and explore yourself. Reduce or eliminate your consumption of trans fatty acids and unecessary pharmaceuticals. Trek into a new hobby. Find passion in life.

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